
The address of the ESI is

Boltzmanngasse 9
1090 Wien
Tel. + 43 (1) 4277 28282
Fax + 43 (1) 4277 28299
E-mail: secr@esi.ac.at

How to get to the ESI?

Travelling either on tram Nr. 5 or on trams Nr. 38,39,40,41,42, get out at 'Währingerstraße/Spitalgasse'. From the hotel Kaiser Franz Joseph take the tram Nr. 38 into town (Schottentor), and again get out at 'Währingerstraße/Spitalgasse'. From the stop Währingerstraße/Spitalgasse walk along W&aumlhringerstraße (left of the park) towards the city centre up to Strudlhofgasse, continue along Strudlhofgasse up to the next corner. There turn left into Boltzmanngasse and walk to number 9. Inside the building, go up two floors, turn to the right and you are standing in front of the ESI. The secretary is the third door to the right. See here for more elaborate directions.